No wallet found. Please install a Wallet extension or check permission settings.

If you don't have a wallet, we recommend one of these:

To assign weights to modules, you need to stake on our validator. Click here to get started.

How to use the Community Validator

Learn how to interact with modules created by the community.

1. Creating a wallet

  • Install the polkadot.js or SubWallet browser extension
  • Create a new wallet within the extension
  • Connect your wallet to the Commune AI network using the top-right menu

2. Staking on the CommuneX Validator

  • Navigate to the staking tab in your wallet
  • Add one of those validator addresses: 5DUWKpGBneBbna6PFHZk18Gp9wyvLUFPiWy5maAARjRjayPp (CommuneX), 5HEUfzHf8uRUq1AfX2Wgga9xC2u12wfyF4FTKUMaYvDFH7dw (MarketCompass)
  • Stake your desired amount (this determines your voting weight for modules)
  • Note: Your staked balance remains untouched; it only represents your voting power

3. Assigning weights to modules

  • Visit the modules page and select your preferred modules
  • Review your selected modules in 'Your Modules List'
  • Click 'Submit' to confirm your weight assignments
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